20 Medical Thermography Case Studies
Medical thermography (also called “clinical thermography”, “infrared imaging” or “thermal imaging”) is used to photograph inflammation and poor circulation in the body.

From 2004 through 2005, Dr. William Amalu, President of the International Academy of Clinical Thermography, conducted 20 clinical thermography case studies to determine grounding’s effect on inflammation, pain, and circulation in 20 of his patients.
Dr. Amalu used before and after thermography images and the standardized clinical four point visual analogue pain scale to determine the benefits his patients received from grounding. Additionally, he gathered his patients’ comments, as well. Their comments correlated with the information seen in the infrared thermal images.
The results of Dr. Amalu’s study impressively (and undeniably) document that grounding significantly reduced or eliminated inflammation and pain and improved circulation in as little as 2 to 4 days for patients sleeping grounded and in as little as 30 minutes for patients with localized conditions that were treated in his clinic with grounded electrode patches.
In his paper, Dr. Amalu states...
"Use of high-resolution medical infrared imaging [medical thermography imaging] as an objective assessment of both inflammatory and neurophysiologic conditions demonstrated significant immediate changes in both acute and chronic inflammation related conditions.
"Grounding is showing incredible promise as one of the most significant advances in the treatment of both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions."
Dramatic Improvement in Circulation & Significant Decrease in Pain
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic neck and upper back pain
- Pain interfering with sleep
- Lack of sleep interfering with daily functioning
- Leg achiness/restless legs during sleep
- Waking stiff and sore
- Patient had tried medical and alternative treatments previously with poor results.
Results (after 4 nights)
- 67.5% reduction in pain
- 42.9% reduction in lack of sleep interfering with daily function
- 28.6% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 75% reduction in leg achiness/restless legs during sleep
- 80% reduction in waking stiff and sore

The top row of images (above) are of the arms and hands at baseline (prior to grounding). The purple, pink, and red indicate high inflammation. The arrows denote the areas of poor circulation. The temperature of the left hand is so low that the fingers are at the same temperature as the room and cannot be seen (this is called thermal amputation).
The bottom row of images (above) were taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the elimination of inflammation in the arms, significant improvement in circulation in the hands, and the return of normal thermal symmetry. Patches of red in the left hand indicate a normal inflammatory healing response to an area that has lacked significant blood flow in the recent past.

The above image on the left is of the legs and feet at baseline (prior to grounding). Note the high inflammation in the legs and poor circulation in the feet. The arrows denote the areas of poor circulation. The temperature of both feet are so low, especially the left, that the toes are at the same temperature as the room and cannot be seen (thermal amputation).
The image on the right was taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the elimination of inflammation in the legs, the significant improvement in circulation in the feet, and the return of normal thermal symmetry. Purple, pink, and red in the feet indicate a normal inflammatory healing response to an area that has lacked significant blood flow in the recent past.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation & Near Complete Alleviation from Pain
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic thigh pain in both legs
- Right leg thigh pain extending into right hip and knee
- Right knee catching
- Right and left ankle and foot pain with swelling increased on the left
- Insomnia
- Non-restful sleep
- Lack of sleep interfering with daily functioning
- Sleepiness during the day
- Pain interfering with sleep
- Leg achiness during sleep
- Waking stiff and sore
- Patient had been on prolonged medical treatment with poor results.
Results (after 4 nights)
- 91.6% reduction in pain
- 50% improvement in restful sleep
- 50% reduction in insomnia
- 50% reduction in a lack of sleep interfering with daily functioning
- 50% reduction in sleepiness during the day
- 81% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 50% reduction in leg achiness during sleep
- 50% reduction in waking stiff and sore

The top row of images (above) are of the lower extremities at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation, which correspond precisely with the subject's areas of complaint.
The bottom row of images were taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the significant reduction in inflammation in the thighs, hips, right lower leg, and feet (especially the left foot) and a return towards normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation & Pain
(after only 2 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Significant chronic left low back pain
- Chronic recurring right shoulder pain
- Pain interfering with sleep
- Waking stiff and sore
- Patient had been on prolonged medical treatment with poor results.
- After 2 nights...
- 50% reduction in pain
- 80% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 75% reduction in waking stiffness and soreness
- After 4 weeks...
- Total resolution of back and shoulder pain
- Only occasional mild stiffness
- Patient commented, “I have my life back.”

The image on the left is of the low back and shoulders taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation, which also correspond precisely with the subject's areas of complaint.
The image on the right was taken after 2 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the complete resolution of inflammation in the shoulders and near complete elimination of inflammation in the lower back.
Dramatic Reduction in 6 Years of Chronic Inflammation
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Totally disabled for over 6 years (resulting from an injury when using a ladder)
- Significant chronic pain in both knees (worse in the right knee)
- Swollen knees
- Required the use of knee wrap supports
- Could not walk w/o a walker
- Pronounced limp
- Fatigue
- Patient had received 3 knee surgeries, prolonged medical treatment, and physical therapy with poor results.
- After 30 minutes
- 20% reduction in pain that lasted for 24 hours
- After 5 days (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 30% reduction in pain
- Increase in energy that patient described as “almost back to my normal self.”
- After 2 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Able to go dancing. No increase in symptoms afterward.
- After 3 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Patient no longer required a walker
- After 6 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Limp resolved
- After 12 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 90% reduction in pain and swelling
- Patient commented, “I can’t believe I have my life back.”

The top row of images shows the knees before and after using grounded electrode patches for 30 minutes. The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation. Note the considerable reduction in inflammation in the right image after just one 30 minute treatment using grounded electrode patches.
The image on the bottom left was taken three weeks after the first treatment. The image shows a significant reduction in inflammation in the knees and a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in 18 Years of Chronic Inflammation
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Significant chronic right medial knee pain and tenderness with swelling and instability
- Mild limp
- Unable to stand for long periods
- Simple actions such as driving increased the symptoms
- Needed to sleep with a pillow between her knees to decrease the pain.
- Condition began as a result of a gymnastics injury at the age of 15. She’d suffered for 18 years with chronic pain.
- Off and on medical treatment over many years yielded minimal results.
- After 30 minutes
- Mild reduction in pain
- After 6 days (of regular treatments with grounding patches)
- 50% reduction in pain
- Could stand for longer periods of time without pain
- No longer needed a pillow between her legs when she slept
- After 4 weeks (of regular treatments with grounding patches)
- Able to play soccer
- No more instability (for the first time in 15 years)
- Very little pain (for the first time in 15 years)
- After 12 weeks (of regular treatments with grounding patches)
- 87% reduction in pain
- No swelling
- Went waterskiing (for the first time in 15 years)
- After 6 months
- Completed a half-marathon

The images above show the knees in walking position, exposing the inside of both knees. The top row of images show the patient's baseline prior to grounding. The arrow in the top left image points to the exact location of the patient's pain and denotes a significant area of inflammation.
The bottom row of images show the results of one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the considerable reduction in knee inflammation after only 30 minutes.

The above image was taken after one week of regular treatments with grounded electrode patches. The image shows near complete elimination of inflammation in both the knees and the thighs, as well as a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Accelerated Healing of an 8-Month-Old Open Wound
(after only 2 weeks of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- 8 month old unhealed open wound on the left ankle
- Pain in the region of the wound
- Mild limp
- Patient had been undergoing various types of treatment at a specialized wound center with no results.
- Vascular imaging revealed significant compromise to the arterial circulation of the left lower leg.
- After 30 minutes
- Noticeable decrease in pain
- After 1 week (of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 80% reduction in pain
- Limp eliminated
- Significant, visible wound healing
- After 2 weeks (of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Completely pain free
- Wound healed over
- Significant improvement in circulation in the left leg

The photographs shown above were taken at baseline prior to grounding. Note the size and depth of the open wound and how it has extended to include the surrounding tissue. The pale-gray color of the entire lower leg is evidence of the patient's poor arterial circulation.

The second row of photographs (above) was taken after 1 week of daily treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant level of healing and improvement in circulation (skin color) after only 1 week.

The bottom row of photographs (above) was taken after 2 weeks of daily treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note that the wound has healed over and that the patient’s circulation has dramatically improved.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation & Improvement in Circulation
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Acute inversion sprain of the right ankle
- Significant acute right ankle and foot pain
- Swelling at the ankle and proximal foot
- Walking with a pronounced limp
- Applying ice and taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication only provided minimal relief
- After 30 minutes
- 50% reduction in pain
- Patient reported she was “shocked” by the amount of instantaneous relief
- After 3 days (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 90% reduction in pain
- After 5 days (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Pain almost completely gone
- No more swelling

The images above show the feet and ankles before and after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Arrows pointing to the right foot denote the most significant areas of inflammation in the right foot and ankle. The arrow pointing to the left foot denotes a significant lack of circulation in the left foot. The toes on the left foot are as cold as room temperature and cannot be seen (this is called thermal amputation).
Note the considerable reduction in inflammation in the right foot and the significant increase in circulation in the left foot after using grounded electrode patches for only 30 minutes.
Dramatic Reduction in Chronic Inflammation
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Competitive long distance runner with chronic left knee pain over the past 6 months
- Began as a mild irritation at the end of a normal long distance training run
- Pain had progressed to a point where it was noticeable with every step
- Unable to run more than two miles due to significant pain
- Patient was notably concerned that she would no longer be able to enjoy her sport, much less ever compete again.
- Patient was preparing to cancel an exotic hiking trip she had planned months prior due to the pain
- After 30 minutes
- 30% reduction in pain
- After 5 days (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 70% reduction in pain
- Patient felt so good she tried hiking. She was able to keep up with the other hikers. The hike did not increase symptoms.
- Patient decided not to cancel exotic hiking trip.
- After 2 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Complete elimination of pain
- Felt great
- During exotic hiking trip
- No pain hiking through mountainous terrain
- After exotic hiking trip
- Slowly returned to long distance running and competed with no further problems

The top row of images (above) were taken at baseline prior to grounding. The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation in the left knee.
The bottom row of images (above) show the results after 30 minutes of grounding using electrode patches. Note the considerable reduction in knee inflammation in just 30 minutes.

The images above are of the knees before and after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. The images show the side of the left knee in a format that allows a clear view of blood vessels. The arrow in the image on the left denotes a large hot blood vessel bringing more blood into the area as part of the inflammatory process.
The image on the right shows a considerable reduction in inflammation with the blood vessel almost completely invisible after using grounded electrode patches for 30 minutes.

6 month follow-up: The top row of images were taken at baseline prior to grounding. The arrows in the upper two images denote the initial areas of inflammation in the left knee.
The lower two images were taken 6 months after the first treatment with grounded electrode patches. At this point, the patient had resumed her normal training and competitions. Note the lack of inflammation in the knees and the return of normal thermal symmetry.

6 month follow-up: The arrow in the left image denotes the initial large hot blood vessel involved in the area of inflammation in the left knee. The image on the right was taken 6 months later after the patient had resumed her normal training and competitions. Note that the blood vessel is no longer visible due to the resolution of the inflammation.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation Resulting in Significant Decrease in Pain
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic foot and ankle pain in both feet for the past two years
- Pain would occasionally be worse on one side or the other, but more frequently the left side was most painful
- After 2 nights
- 60% reduction in pain
- After 4 nights
- 80% reduction in pain
- After 4 weeks
- Complete elimination of pain
- Only occasional stiffness

The images on the left are of the feet and ankles taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the decreased circulation in the feet. The significantly larger white, red, and orange areas in the left ankle and foot agree with the patient’s account of more frequent pain on the left.
The images on the right were taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the significant reduction in inflammation in the legs, allowing for proper circulation to return to the feet. The white, red, and orange in the toes are caused by the normal inflammatory healing response to an area that has lacked significant blood flow in the recent past.
Dramatic Reduction in 5 Years of Chronic Neurovascular Pathology
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Erythromelalgia* (diagnosed 5 years previously)
- Chronic sharp burning pain in both feet, with significantly more pain in the left foot
- Took aspirin to help control some of the symptoms
- Closed-toed shoes and warm weather significantly increased the pain.
- Unable to wear any shoes except loose fitting open-toe beach-type shoes
- Had to avoid any sun exposure to legs or feet
- Unable to take long walks or exercise
*What is erythromelalgia? Erythromelalgia is a condition characterized by episodes of pain, redness, and swelling in various parts of the body, particularly the hands and feet. The cause of the condition is unknown, but involves both the circulatory system and the nervous system. Currently, the medical literature states that there is no cure. Treatment typically just deals with decreasing symptoms as much as possible.
- After 30 minutes
- 30% reduction in pain
- After 2 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 50% reduction in pain
- Patient commented that the reduction in pain was “remarkable”
- After 4 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 70% reduction in pain
At the 4 week mark, the patient switched from treatments w/ grounding patches to using a grounded sleep system.
- 4 weeks after starting grounded sleep system (8 weeks from start)
- 80% reduction in pain
- No longer needed aspirin
- Could now wear closed-toe shoes for the first time since her diagnosis with erythromelalgia 5 years prior
- 8 weeks after starting grounded sleep system (12 weeks from start)
- 90% reduction in pain
- Could sit in the sun without any increase in symptoms

The top row of images above were taken at baseline prior to grounding. The arrows indicate the areas of dilated and hot blood vessels. The significant heat (represented in descending order by white, red, and orange) over the entire left foot agrees with the patient's complaint of increased symptoms on this side.
The bottom row of images above were taken after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant decrease in blood vessel heat around the left knee. Also note the significant decrease in heat in the left foot (shown by a disappearance of white and reduction in red on the top of the left foot).

The top row of images above were taken at baseline prior to grounding. The arrows indicate the dilated and hot blood vessels.
The bottom row of images above were taken after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant decrease in blood vessel size and number in the left leg.
Dramatic Reduction in 10 Years of Chronic Inflammation
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- 10 years of chronic low back pain. Worse on the right side.
- Daily pain with monthly flair-ups
- Pain frequently interfered with sleep
- After 30 minutes
- 40% reduction in pain
- After 1 week (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 70% reduction in pain
- More restful sleep
- After 4 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 90% reduction in pain
- Sleep issues completely resolved
- After 3 months (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Back pain completely resolved
- Only occasional stiffness
- Patient commented that he hadn’t had such restful sleep in years

The image on the left is of the low back taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrow denotes the subject’s primary area of complaint.
The image on the right was taken after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant reduction in inflammation with a return of more normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation & Pain
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Significant chronic left mid back pain over a 9 month period
- Pain interrupted sleep
- Awakened with increased pain and stiffness
- Tried physical therapy and acupuncture with negligible results
- After 4 nights...
- 30% reduction in pain
- 70% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 30% reduction in waking stiff and sore
- After 4 weeks...
- 80% reduction in pain
- Pain no longer interfered with sleep
- 70% reduction in waking stiff and sore
- After 8 weeks...
- Pain resolved
- Sleeping better than she had slept in years
- Awakened with only minor left mid back stiffness

The image on the left is of the mid back and shoulders taken at baseline (prior grounding). The arrows denote the most significant area of inflammation, which also correspond precisely with the subject’s areas of complaint.
The image on the right was taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the complete resolution in inflammation with a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Improvement in Circulation
(after only 2 weeks sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Long history of cold feet (as long as she could remember)
- Worse in the past 20 years
- Even in summer, had to wear socks to bed to keep feet warm
- At times in the winter, her feet would get so cold they hurt.
- After 1 week
- Improvement in foot temperature
- After 2 weeks
- Foot temperature significantly improved
- Patient reported that she was “shocked” by the changes in her feet. She said that they felt “hot” to her. She noted that she had to feel her feet with her hands on occasion to prove to herself that they felt this good.
- After 4 weeks
- No longer needed socks in bed (even though it was wintertime)
- Patient reported that for the first time in all her memory that her feet felt normal.

The images above show a timeline of the feet from baseline on the far left (prior to grounding) to 2 weeks of sleeping grounded on the far right. You will note by the arrows in the baseline images that the toes and distal feet are so cold that they are the same temperature as the room and are therefore not visible (this is called thermal amputation). This is caused by significant inflammation in the legs that is blocking proper circulation from reaching the feet.
The center and far right images show the elimination of inflammation in the legs and a dramatic return of normal circulation in the feet after using a grounded sleeping device for 2 weeks.
In the bottom center image (taken at the 1 week mark), the white, gray, red, and orange in the feet indicate a normal inflammatory healing response to an area that has lacked significant blood flow in the recent past. You'll notice that, by the second week, the inflammation in the feet has significantly decreased as the feet heal, which is shown by the near disappearance of white and gray and the reduction of red in both feet.
Dramatic Reduction in 2 Years of Chronic Inflammation & Pain
(after only 4 weeks of regular treatments with grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic right posterior knee and leg pain over the past 2 years. Began as a result of falling while walking down stairs.
- Walked with a mild right-sided limp
- Orthopedic examinations and MRI revealed no damage to the knee
- Only anti-inflammatory medications helped with the pain
- After 3 days
- 30% reduction in pain
- After 1 week (of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 50% reduction in pain
- After 4 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 70% reduction in pain
- Noticeable improvement in limp
- After 8 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 80% reduction in pain
- After 12 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Complete resolution of pain
- Elimination of limp
- Only occasional stiffness

The image on the left is of the back of the knees and legs taken at baseline prior to grounding. Note the significant amount of inflammation in the thighs and the right knee represented (in descending order) by white, red, and orange.
The image on the right shows the results of 4 weeks of regular treatments with grounded electrode patches. Note the elimination of inflammation in the right knee and the significant decrease of inflammation in both thighs, as well as a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in Chronic Inflammation
(after only 1 week of regular treatments with grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic right foot pain over the past 4 months.
- Condition began a few hours after playing softball. There was no single traumatic event of onset.
- Medical examination revealed inflammation secondary to a sprain.
- OTC anti-inflammatory medications provided limited results
- After 2 days (of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 30% reduction in pain
- After 1 week (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 50% reduction in pain
- After 4 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- No more pain
- After 8 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Returned to playing softball

The image on the left is the baseline image taken prior to grounding. The arrows in the image denote the area of inflammation in the right foot and a decrease in circulation in the left. The right image was taken after one week of regular treatments with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant improvement in the image with a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Reduction in Chronic Inflammation Resulting in Near Complete Elimination of Pain
(after only 6 weeks sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic left knee and thigh pain over the past 2 years
- Pain gradually increasing over the two-year period
- Difficult to use stairs
- Patient was unsure of the cause; however, she felt it may have been caused by a traumatic fall while waterskiing
- Had not gone waterskiing for over a year due to the joint pain
- After 1 week
- 50% reduction in pain
- After 2 weeks
- 60% reduction in pain
- Using stairs was becoming easier
- After 4 weeks
- 80% reduction in pain
- After 6 weeks
- Near complete resolution in pain
- Using stairs no longer increased pain
- After 3 months
- Complete resolution in pain
- Back to waterskiing with no issues

The image on the left is the baseline image taken prior to grounding. The arrows in the image denote the primary areas of inflammation in the left knee and thigh. The image on the right was taken after 4 weeks of using a grounded sleeping device. Note the elimination of inflammation in the left knee.
Dramatic Reduction in Inflammation Resulting in Significant Pain Resolution
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Significant chronic left mid back and neck pain over the past year
- Diagnosed with chronic muscular strain and connective tissue inflammation
- Pain interfered with his sleep
- Woke with increased pain and stiffness in the left mid back and neck.
- Used prescription anti-inflammatory medications to help control the pain
- Tried physical therapy with only limited results
- After 4 nights
- 30% reduction in pain
- 50% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 30% reduction in waking stiff and store
- After 4 weeks
- 70% reduction in pain
- 70% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 60% reduction in waking stiff and store
- After 8 weeks
- Pain completely resolved
- Sleeping without pain
- Woke with only occasional neck and mid back stiffness
- No increased pain or problems when working (physical labor job)

The image on the left is of the entire back taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows point to the patient's most significant areas of complaint. The image on the right was taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the complete resolution in inflammation with a return of normal thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in Acute Inflammation & Pain
(after only 30 minutes using grounding patches)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Significant acute low back pain. Worse on the right side.
- Acute distress
- Cried out in pain with any use of her back
- Unable to walk on her own
- Unable to straighten up at the waist
- Any movement whatsoever caused excruciating pain in her low back
Cause of Condition:
- After helping a friend move furniture and boxes, the next morning the patient awoke with low back stiffness. When she had bent down to tie her shoes, she crumpled to the floor in pain.
- After 30 minutes
- Immediate 70% reduction in pain
- Was able to stand on her own
- Walked out of the office on her own
- Patient noted that she couldn’t believe it.
- After 3 days (of daily treatments w/ grounding patches)
- 90% reduction in pain
- After 2 weeks (of regular treatments w/ grounding patches)
- Complete resolution of pain

The image on the left is of the low back taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation, which also correspond precisely with the subject’s areas of complaint.
The image on the right was taken after one 30 minute treatment with grounded electrode patches. Note the significant reduction in acute inflammation.
Dramatic Reduction in 4 Years of Chronic Inflammation
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- Chronic low back and right mid back pain for the past 4 years
- Pain interfering with sleep
- Increased stiffness and pain upon waking
- Forced to give up golf due to the pain, which he had previously played 2-3 times a week
- History of multiple injuries to the same areas resulting from college football.
- After 4 nights
- 40% reduction in pain
- 65% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 30% reduction in waking stiff and sore
- After 4 weeks
- 75% reduction in pain
- 80% reduction in pain interfering with sleep
- 60% reduction in waking stiff and sore
- After 8 weeks
- Able to play golf again
- Symptoms were not affected by playing golf
- After 10 weeks
- Complete resolution of pain
- Sleeping great
- Awakening with no pain or stiffness

The image on the left is of the mid and lower back taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation, which also correspond precisely with the subject’s areas of complaint. The image on the right was taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the near complete elimination of inflammation and greater thermal symmetry.
Dramatic Reduction in 10 Years of Chronic Inflammation
(after only 4 nights sleeping on a grounded sleeping device)
History & Initial Complaints:
- 10 years of chronic low back pain
- Stiffness and pain in the morning upon waking
- Massage, physical therapy, and acupuncture provided little to no results. These treatments provided temporary relief at best.
Cause of Condition:
- His condition began as the result of an automobile accident. Patient received medical treatment, including physical therapy, immediately after the accident, which significantly reduced his pain. However, the pain returned on occasion with an increase in frequency over the years.
- After 4 nights
- 35% reduction in pain
- Patient stated he was skeptical since other therapies gave similar results.
- After 4 weeks
- 60% reduction in pain
- Patient stated this was the greatest amount of improvement he could ever remember having.
- After 8 weeks
- 80% reduction in pain
- After 12 weeks
- 90% reduction in pain
- Awakening with only mild pain and stiffness
- After 20 weeks
- 95% reduction in pain
- Patient was increasing his activity levels with no increase in symptoms

The image on the left is of the lower back taken at baseline (prior to grounding). The arrows denote the most significant areas of inflammation. The image on the right was taken after 4 nights of sleeping on a grounded sleeping device. Note the significant decrease in inflammation in the entire low back region.